Kreymborg, Alfred.
New York: John Marshall Co. Ltd., 1916.  Small octavo, 142 pages. First edition of the first collection of free verse from this poet, editor and the first literary figure to be included in Alfred Steiglitz's 291 Circle. Kreymborg was an early figure in the Greenwich Village literary scene, and worked with Man Ray to bring out The Glebe, the first of his modernist magazines. Later he worked with Ezra Pound to bring out the famous Imagism issue of the Glebe. Kreymborg also created, with Skip Cannell, William Carlos Williams and Wallace Stevens, The Other: A Magazine of Free Verse, and went on to edit The Broom with Harold Loeb. He called his free verse tone poems "mushrooms" and brought them together for the first time in this volume. William Carlos Wiliams praised  them as, "a triumph for America." Some general age toning to the pages, and with some darkening and staining to the printed boards with an original woodblock print by William Zorach. Still, a complete and not unattractive copy of this scarce book.
Mushrooms, A Book of Free Forms.