Raymond, Antonín (Nakamura, Katsuya, editor).
Tokyo: Johnan Shoin, [1935].  
Oblong folio,  29 pages of text, 102 pages of illustration, including 19  architectonic illustrations in photogravure. First edition. With an article by Antonín and Noémi P. Raymond. Texts in Japanese, English and French.
Raymond, a Czech-born American architect is considered by many to be the father of Japanese modernist architecture. Raymond followed Frank Lloyd Wright to Japan to work on Wright's Imperial Hotel. He stayed to create some stunning work including the Tokyo Reader's Digest Building and his own home in Reinanzaka. He had a considerable influence on Japanese architects including Kunio Maekawa and Junzo Yoshimura. Some light discoloration (likely sunning) to mustard colored cloth covers, otherwise a very good copy in spiral bound cloth with  printed paste-down. Scarce in such condition.  [Sharp, Sources of Modern Architecture].  
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Antonín Raymond. His work in Japan 1920-1935. Preface by Elie Faure.